Thursday, April 20, 2006

Template Change

Changed the template. Got a bored with the all black template. This seems to look a lot readable, visible than the previous one.

Still working on the website. That work has been stopped to attend to some urgent work at office. Learning Ruby and Rails. Will post my experiences with that (developing a web appliation using RoR) after I am done with that project.

Monday, April 17, 2006

A web browser based chat client. Offers support for AIM or ICQ, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN, and Jabber or Google Talk.

The webpage provides a window based environment, where the chat client and your instant message chats are displayed.

Very useful when companies don't allow their employees to install chat clients on their desktops/workstations.

For more information & to get a feel for it, visit

eyeOS should have this feature in-built into their web based Desktop system.

eyeOS | Web Based Desktop System.

eyeOS | Web Based Desktop System. Taking your data and applications everywhere.

An application on the web that I expected a long time back. It's in the lines of Innuvo DCS (it's throwing up a blank page), RecipeXperience.

Tried it out, it's slow, and way too many screen refreshes. Every time I open or close an application window inside that, it refreshes the desktop (inside the webpage). RecipeXperience demo applications are better than this (but it's also bad - it's IE only).

The main advantage is for people who don't have a PC at home and need to use office or cyber cafe machines. They can store information on this web based desktop system and access it from any PC (of course w/internet connectivity) in the world.

Try it out!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

A Conversation with Erich Gamma

A 4 part interview of Erich Gamma by Bill Venners (the guy who wrote Inside the Java Virtual Machine)

How to use Design Patterns
Right way to think about and use design patterns

Erich Gamma on Flexibility and Reuse
attitude developers should adopt towards flexibility and reuse

Design Principles from Design Patterns
design principles: program to an interface, not an implementation, and favor object composition over class inheritance.

Patterns and Practice
how design patterns are problem solution pairs, how design patterns help you understand intent and tradeoffs, and how to become a better designer through practice.

Google Page Creator

Google Labs has come up with another product called Google Page Creator

It's a cool tool specially aimed at people who want to host webpages of their own but don't know HTML or other scripting languages of the web. It has an in-place editor using which a nice looking page can be created within a few minutes.

I am working on my own web site using this. Will be publishing it after this weekend.

It's been a while... - III

Hmm... another 2 months have passed and still no updates to this site. Priorities changed, and I had to spend (and still spending) a lot of time to keep up with the technologies that my team is moving towards and on some pet projects.

I even have a account in Google Pages (see my next post about this). Working on a page on that as well. Will be publishing it after this weekend (hopefully).